Product Lines|Bellex International Corporation

SEKADO, SEKADO KR, AlloSheet, ZeoSheet, P-ACE



Desiccant using natural amumina silicagel (Allophane) with the mix of zeolite or activated carbon.

Properties of SEKADO

Can make moldings without binder agent. Shows the durability against heat, water and frictions.
Excellent moisture absorption especially at low humiditity conditions eqivalent to syntetic zeolite.
Varaetiy of products mixing with activated carbons or other material for various applications.
Absorbs moisture, odors and color dyes.
Chemically stable and does not break in liquid phase.
Shows strong acid absorption under both air and liquid phases.
Allophane abosrbs moisture, zeorite mixture works at all range of moisutre and carbon contain products absorbs odors and moisture.



Ozone decomposer with the mixture of allophane and special activated carbons with granule or tablet shape.
Works at wide range of ozone concentration level from low to high (upto 10,000ppm).
xidate activated carbon slowly with the following reaction. Different from carbon oly products, there is no risk of explosion.

C + 2O3 = CO2 + 2O2

After ozone is decomposed, SEKADO KR/MR3 changes its color from black to gray. The color changes indicate the ozone decomposition and the life of SEKADO. As Allophane works as binder, SEKADO keeps the shape and not changes to powder.

Properties of SEKADO KR and SEKADO MR4

As shaped material, bulk density is constant. Durable against pressure, it is not easily brokenor changed to powder. After ozone decomposition, carbon becomes ash but keeps the original shape and does not change to powder.
Mixture and shape is frexible as per purpose or applications.
After ozone decomposition, the color chages to gray and idicates the reaction conditions.
Pressure loss is constant and shape does not change to powder. No pressure up is anticipated.
No pretreatment is required in case of high ozone concentration.
Ozone decompostion plant is available.

Properties of SEKADO KR and SEKADO MR4

Allosheet and Zeosheet

Allosheet is desiccant sheet made of silica alumina gel, Allophane, (50%) and pulp (50%) mixed with small quantity of binder.
Zeosheet is deciccant sheet made of synthetic zeolite (75%) and pulp (25%) mixed with small quantity of binder.

Properties of Allosheet and Zeosheet

Moisture Removal from Optical Devices
Moisture Protection from Circuit Video Camera.
Desiccant for Precision Electronics Devices, Organic ELD and Pharmaceutical applications
Dry Flower, Fragrance, Pet Supplies



Drycleaning Cartridge Filter and Bags

Properties of P-ACE

Solves odor problems with petroleum solvents by removing moisture and fatty acids to prevent bacteria growth.
Superior dye removal capability. (P-ACE NEO)
The top brand of dry cleaning filter in Japan where 80% of dry cleaners use petroleum solvents.
Laboratory and customer field tests with Exxon DF-2000™ demonstrated that P-ACE removes odors from solvents which carbon/clay filters do not.
Applicable to both petroleum and perc solvents in dry to dry and transfer machines.

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